Matthias Seidel wrote
> Most likely something in your profile for 4.5.0 is corrupt. Try to
> rename it to get a fresh one and look if hyphenation is active again.

It's not the profile. I init'ed two profiles from scratch both for 4.2.0 and
4.5.0, and the same OXT does get the auto-hyphenation in 4.2.0 and doesn't
in 4.5.0.
Now, I'm thinking maybe the problem is in the build options? 

I was configure'ing with (that's only part of the list)
--disable-bundled-dictionaries \
--disable-category-b \
--disable-pam \
  --with-jdk-home=/usr/lib64/java \
--with-system-libs=no \
  --with-dict=ENGB,ENUS,RURU \
  --enable-hyphen \
  --enable-hunspell \

How do I check the hyphenation part actually works?

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