OK. Here's the section of configure.ac that applies to your issue...

*** begin code ***

dnl ===================================================================
dnl Check whether the gtk 2.0 libraries are available.
dnl ===================================================================

if test  "$test_gtk" = "yes"; then

   if test "$ENABLE_GTK" = "TRUE" ; then
      PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GTK, gtk+-2.0 >= 2.4 gdk-pixbuf-xlib-2.0 >= 2.2 ,,AC_MSG_ERROR([requirements to build the gtk-plugin not met. Use --disable-gtk or install the missing packages]))       PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GTHREAD, gthread-2.0,,AC_MSG_ERROR([requirements to build the gtk-plugin not met. Use --disable-gtk or install the missing packages]))

*** end code ***

Configure wants a gtk+-2.0 version that is 2.4 or later. From your first message, this is what you show --

gtk2.x86_64                               2.24.32-4.el8

To me, it seems PKG_CHECK_MODULES couldn't determine if 2.24.32-4.el8  passed the   "gtk+-2.0 >= 2.4" test. Maybe someone else can offer suggestions on how to fix that.

Sorry I couldn't help more....


On 2/17/20 2:14 PM, Carl Marcum wrote:
Hi Kay,

On 2/17/20 3:55 PM, Kay Schenk wrote:
Hi --

I remember having configure issues when pkg-config was not properly recognizing my installed packs.

On your system you might try typing --

pkg-config --list-all | sort

so you see what configure is picking up for your gtk version.

I have not tried building in quite some time, but my CentOS system has this in my list --


Hope this helps,


This I what I get:

$ pkg-config --list-all | sort
gtk+-2.0                       GTK+ - GTK+ Graphical UI Library (x11 target)
gtk+-3.0                       GTK+ - GTK+ Graphical UI Library
gtk+-broadway-3.0              GTK+ - GTK+ Graphical UI Library
gtk+-unix-print-2.0            GTK+ - GTK+ Unix print support
gtk+-unix-print-3.0            GTK+ - GTK+ Unix print support
gtk+-wayland-3.0               GTK+ - GTK+ Graphical UI Library
gtk+-x11-2.0                   GTK+ - GTK+ Graphical UI Library (x11 target)
gtk+-x11-3.0                   GTK+ - GTK+ Graphical UI Library


On 2/16/20 6:17 AM, Carl Marcum wrote:
Hi All,

Now I'm stuck GTK.
I'm not sure if it may be related to the gnome-vfs package being changed to gvfs or not.

Here is my configure
./configure \
--enable-category-b \
--enable-bundled-dictionaries \
--enable-dbgutil \
--with-package-format="installed" \

last bit of latest error:
checking for zip... /usr/bin/zip
checking for unzip... /usr/bin/unzip
checking which VCLplugs shall be built... gtk
checking whether to enable GConf support... yes
checking for GCONF... yes
checking whether to enable GNOME VFS support... no
checking for GTK... no
configure: error: requirements to build the gtk-plugin not met. Use --disable-gtk or install the missing packages

Installed Packages
gtk-update-icon-cache.x86_64              3.22.30-4.el8
gtk-vnc2.x86_64                           0.9.0-1.el8
gtk2.x86_64                               2.24.32-4.el8
gtk2-devel.x86_64                         2.24.32-4.el8
gtk3.x86_64                               3.22.30-4.el8
gtk3-devel.x86_64                         3.22.30-4.el8
gtkmm30.x86_64                            3.22.2-2.el8
gtksourceview3.x86_64                     3.24.9-1.el8

Installed Packages
gvfs.x86_64                           1.36.2-6.el8
gvfs-afc.x86_64                       1.36.2-6.el8
gvfs-afp.x86_64                       1.36.2-6.el8
gvfs-archive.x86_64                   1.36.2-6.el8
gvfs-client.x86_64                    1.36.2-6.el8
gvfs-devel.x86_64                     1.36.2-6.el8
gvfs-fuse.x86_64                      1.36.2-6.el8
gvfs-goa.x86_64                       1.36.2-6.el8
gvfs-gphoto2.x86_64                   1.36.2-6.el8
gvfs-mtp.x86_64                       1.36.2-6.el8
gvfs-smb.x86_64                       1.36.2-6.el8


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