Build broke with

Building module cui

Entering /home/legine/workspace/AOO/gitbox/main/cui/prj

cd .. && make -s -r -j1   && make -s -r deliverlog
/home/legine/workspace/AOO/gitbox/main/cui/ *** missing separator.  Stop.
dmake:  Error code 2, while making 'all'

The Line I have in code:

ifneq ($(strip $(BUILD_VER_STRING)),)
$(eval $(call gb_Library_add_defs,cui,-DBUILD_VER_STRING="$(BUILD_VER_STRING)"))

Anyone has an Idea what this is about?

The latest change was in

newtabledlg.src <> Cleaned up resource file <> 11 days ago

But that does not look related.

I tried as fix

ifneq ($(strip $(BUILD_VER_STRING)))

but I am unsure if that is the issue.

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