Hi Dave,

Which time frame do you think the old Cms needs to be alive?
Any Rough Idea?

All the best

Am 4. August 2020 20:44:08 MESZ schrieb Dave Fisher <w...@apache.org>:
>Hi -
>I have created INFRA-20636
><https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-20636>: Migrate OpenOffice
>Websites From CMS
>We had discussions a few weeks ago about which method. I am not going
>to decide on the new tool until I’ve made progress on my local
>I currently like the idea of using JBake because (a) I used it on the
>incubator site and (b) we can use Groovy in building the templates. I
>know we have some developers with Groovy skills so that makes sense to
>The current openoffice.org uses Server Side Includes to handle branding
>and language that should continue.
>Builds will likely be handled via Jenkins on the new
>> On Aug 4, 2020, at 7:35 AM, Andrew Wetmore <andr...@apache.org>
>> Hi, Peter:
>> I used "a few weeks" in my opening email to each of the 45 or so
>> still on the old CMS. We hope to help all of them migrate before the
>end of
>> 2020, but I felt if I said that, then most groups would wait until
>> November before starting to think about the migration. Ecah migration
>> require Infra participation, so my hope is that we can move projects
>a few
>> at a time starting NOW, rather than having a big traffic jam at the
>end of
>> the year.
>> I speak under correction, but I presume that AOO would be as much
>> as any other project. The server hosting the CMS is twelve years old
>and we
>> really need to move everybody onto more robust systems.
>> Andrew
>> Virus-free.
>> www.avast.com
>> <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
>> On Tue, Aug 4, 2020 at 11:21 AM Peter Kovacs <pe...@apache.org>
>>> Hello Andrew,
>>> Hello Greg,
>>> I read on commons that you want to switch of the old cms in a view
>>> Is AOO part of the plan? Or are we not affected?
>>> Just wondering. And I have strong doubts we can move 1.8 GB of
>content in
>>> a few weeks.
>>> All the best
>>> Peter
>> -- 
>> Andrew Wetmore
>> Technical Writer-Editor
>> Infra
>> *Apache Software Foundation*
>> andr...@apache.org

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