On 21.11.20 15:50, Arrigo Marchiori wrote:

I wanted to build trunk and I found out that the requirement for the
new EPM is already in place.


  1- thank you for taking care of this!

  2- could you please tell us what is the correct value for the
  "--with-epm-url" parameter to the configure script?

The Wiki page about building OpenOffice still contains the URL to EPM

What I did was to checkout the epm 5.0.0 from github  [1]

Follow the instruction to build epm use the prefix option to define a convenient bin folder. I did build it in a build folder, next to the checkout and then provide the path to --with_epm_url="path/to/bin"

Side note: the same page should mention package "libXt-devel" because
it is required for building AOO418, at least on openSUSE. I'd be happy
to fix it myself, but I do not have an account and cannot sign up.

I think epm that the distros ship is maintained by some asian volunteers on epmhome.org. (i do not understand a thing. However this code seems to need libXt package. The packed from jim has ftkl as only (optional?) dependency.

does not make things easier if we enforce 5.0.0. ;)

[1] git clone g...@github.com:jimjag/epm.git


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