The Release Candidate is good for production/GA:

   [X] yes / +1

   [ ] no / -1

My vote is based on

   [X] binding (member of PMC)

   [X] I have built and tested the RC from source on platform [CentOS 7 x86-64]

   [X] I have tested the binary RC on platform [CentOS 8 x86-64, macOS Ventura 

I built the sources and ran the BVT and FVT automated tests 3 times each.
No test failed all 3 times.

I verified the checksums and signature for the source archive and that they 
included LICENSE and NOTICE files.

I verified the checksums and signature for the binaries for Linux x86-64 rpm 
archive and MacOS dmg including the SDK's.

I installed the RPMS on CentOS 8 (freedesktop integration) and the dmg on macOS 
Ventura and tested both for common file open/edit/save workflows and tested a 
few macros.

Best regards,

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