I've had some time in the last couple of weeks to work on the FreeBSD
port.  I was able to get 4.1.14 to build and updated the FreeBSD port to
that version.  I committed the upgrade to the main branch of the FreeBSD
ports tree on March 8. I merged the change to the current ports
quarterly branch a short while ago, so mainstream users should see the
new binary packages show up in the next several days.

For various reasons, I switched the FreeBSD port back to the bundled
boost.  The FreeBSD port uses -std=gnu++98 mode to compile our code. One
of the things I found is that even in that mode, our bundled boost tries
to use some c++11 features, and recent versions of clang treat that as
an error.  This can be fixed with a trivial patch, which I added to the
FreeBSD port.  I plan to commit this fix to our source tree in the near

Another FreeBSD user found that our build is fragile, and can be broken
if the build environment is not clean.  The problem is that the order of
the directories in our include path is not safe.  We put the include
directories for external dependencies like the libs for gtk ahead of
internal and solver directories.  If one of the system include
directories is /usr/local/include, then the build can pick up the system
boost if it is installed on the machine.  The FreeBSD boost port has
issues with gnu++98 mode.  This breaks both gbuild and dmake module
builds of 4.1.x.  Gbuild is mostly fixed in trunk and 4.2.x, and on
those branches so much has been converted to gbuild that I haven't seen
the problem.  The modules left using dmake don't seem to both use boost
and have problematic external dependencies.  I have patches for both the
gbuild and dmake stuff, but the gbuild fix is only for the FreeBSD
platform.  The dmake framework patch is generic, but I've only tested it
on FreeBSD.

The FreeBSD port broke some time ago because of errors in some of the
API comments in the xmerge java source.  We've fixed these in trunk and
4.2.x, but they are still broken in 4.1.x.  They have been flagged as
errors during the build for a very long time, but it was only sometime
last summer when they started getting treated as a fatal error by the
FreeBSD build.  They are still flagged as errors, but they are no longer
fatal. I have no idea what caused the behavior to change in either

I also experimented a bit with c++11 mode and discovered that recent
versions of clang are much less forgiving of questionable code in that
mode as compared to the older versions of clang that I tried several
years ago.  I ran into many things that broke the build:

  reinterpret_cast< some_type*>(NULL) is a compilation error.  These are
  trivial to fix by switching to static_cast, but the modules where
  these occur seem to use reinterpret_cast excessively.  I would be
  surpised if there were more than a handful of locations in our code
  where reinterpret_cast is the right choice.

  Constructors where the width of the initialization data is wider than
  the width of the member being initialized break the build.  Recent
  clang does not want to automatically narrow the data and wants an
  explicit cast to be used.  The casts are easy to add, but the compiler
  is pointing out places in the code where there might be exploitable
  integer overflows.  Perhaps the member should be widened so that an
  overflow isn't possible, or pehaps an assert should be added or an
  exception thrown on overflow.

  The canvas, dbaccess, reportdesign, and slideshow modules use
  iterators such a ::std::find_if and ::std::count_if to repeatedly call
  functions using ::boost::bind whose args are all supposed to be
  references.  In some instances the code uses ::boost::cref() to
  convert expressions into references.  Recent clang objects if the
  argument to ::boost::cref() is not an lvalue.  A handful are
  trivivally fixable, but most are not.  In some cases it is not obvious
  if the value of the expression shouldn't be changing due to the
  actions of the function in the previous iteration, so calculating the
  expression once, storing the result in a temporary location and
  passing a reference to that location could result in stale data being
  used. In another case, a method is called that constructs a struct and
  fills it with a bunch of data from multiple class member values, and
  the struct is returned, a reference to that struct is created and that
  reference passed to the function.  It isn't obvious to me that some of
  those class members are not modified by the function, so the stale
  data issue is there, but also the memory for the struct is leaked
  because it is never destroyed.

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