On Thu, Dec 7, 2023 at 6:53 AM Yury Tarasievich <yury.tarasiev...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> Regarding the matter in the Subject, I've found
> I can just build with internal OpenSSL (which's
> rather old, btw), then rename libcrypto.so and
> libssl.so, and so actually use the system libraries.
> But as to why I needed that - it *looks* like at
> some point in the 4.5 branch development (maybe
> other branches, too, didn't check) macros got
> switched off in the program code somewhere
> -- and there's no standard means to turn them
> back on, because 'Macro Security' button
> (Options-OpenOffice-Security dialog) doesn't do
> anything.
> Which, in its turn, looks like it's caused by
> IMPL_LINK( SvxSecurityTabPage, MacroSecPBHdl,
> void*, EMPTYARG )
> in
> cui/source/options/optinet2.cxx
> failing to create that:
> Reference<security::XDocumentDigitalSignatures> xD
> What might be causing that, any advice?
> NB: That button also fails to do anything in my
> 2 years old trunk build, but there macros are
> NOT disabled by the program code. I've checked
> that by starting the old and the new builds off
> my working configuration. In the new build some
> macros do not run, showing me a msgbox telling
> me about macros being disabled and pointing me
> to the mentioned dialog and button.
> -Yury
For me the build succeeds and works with --with-system-openssl, and opens
documents with macros.

Please share all your build options, and a sample document?

As for:
    Reference< security::XDocumentDigitalSignatures > xD(
"com.sun.star.security.DocumentDigitalSignatures" ) ) ), UNO_QUERY );

that's implemented in

I need to know where it fails for you to debug further.


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