On 3/29/05 6:39 AM, "Carsten Driesner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Brian,
> Yes, the code works exactly how you have changed it. Your code changes
> the changed configuration again and again, that's why you can see more
> than one file menu (see the two insertByIndex).
> The example you found and adapted is not the way you should change the
> menu bar in a context of an Add-on. An Add-on can be uninstalled and you
> have no chance to remove your menu bar changes! Currently there is a bug
> in our API that prevent one to change a menu bar non-persistent (see
> 46194), but I it is fixed now and will be in one of the next builds.
> The example below uses therefor the persistent way, but can be easily
> changed when 46194 is fixed. Please keep in mind that the macro doesn't
> work directly in the Basic IDE due to oModel.getCurrentController(). You
> can add a button to a toolbar and start the macro with it.
> Please use this example as a template for your add-on.


Thanks, this looks like it will work much better :). I was looking through
the javadocs to see what it would take to convert it to Java and it looks
pretty straightforward so that's one thing off my list I thought I couldn't

- Brian

> --- example code ---
> REM  *****  BASIC  *****
> Sub Main
>    REM *** Adds a item to the File Menu
>    REM *** Initialize strings
>    sMenuBar = "private:resource/menubar/menubar"
>    sMyPopupMenuCmdId = ".uno:PickList"
>    sMyCommand = "macro:///Standard.Module1.Test()"
>    REM *** Retrieve the current frame of my model
>    oModel = ThisComponent
>    if not isNull( oModel ) then
>      REM *** Retrieve frame from current controller
>      oFrame = oModel.getCurrentController().getFrame()
>      REM *** Retrieve the layout manager of my current frame
>      oLayoutManager = oFrame.LayoutManager()
>      REM *** Retrieve the menu bar from the layout manager
>      oMenuBar = oLayoutManager.getElement( sMenuBar )
>      REM *** Retrieve writable configuration settings from menu bar
>      oMenuBarSettings = oMenuBar.getSettings( true )
>      REM *** Make our changes only transient. An Add-on should
>      REM *** never change configuration persistently as it can
>      REM *** be uninstalled by a user without any chance to
>      REM *** undo its configuration changes!
>      REM *** ATTENTION:
>      REM *** Due to bug 46194 "oMenuBar.Persistent = false" doesn't
>      REM *** work. To have a working example we now use
> oMenuBar.Persistent = true.
>      REM *** This should be changed to false when 46194 is fixed!!!
>      oMenuBar.Persistent = true
>      REM *** Look for the "File" popup menu and add our command
>      REM *** We must look if we haven't added our command already!
>      fileMenuIndex = FindPopupMenu( sMyPopupMenuCmdId, oMenuBarSettings )
>      if fileMenuIndex >= 0 then
>        oPopupMenuItem() = oMenuBarSettings.getByIndex(fileMenuIndex)
>        oPopupMenu = GetProperty( "ItemDescriptorContainer",
> oPopupMenuItem() )
>        if not isNull( oPopupMenu ) then
>          if FindCommand( sMyCommand, oPopupMenu ) = -1 then
>            oMenuItem = CreateMenuItem( sMyCommand, "Standard.Module1.Test" )
>            nCount = oPopupMenu.getCount()
>            oPopupMenu.insertByIndex( nCount, oMenuItem )
>          endif
>        endif
>      else
>        msgbox "No file menu found!"
>      endif
>      oMenuBar.setSettings( oMenuBarSettings )
>    endif
> End Sub
> Function FindCommand( Command as String, oPopupMenu as Object ) as Integer
>    nCount = oPopupMenu.getCount()-1
>    for i = 0 to nCount
>      oMenuItem() = oPopupMenu.getByIndex(i)
> nPropertyCount = ubound(oMenuItem())
> for j = 0 to nPropertyCount
>  if oMenuItem(j).Name = "CommandURL" then
>          if oMenuItem(j).Value = Command then
>             FindCommand = j
>            exit function
> endif
>  endif
> next j
>    next i
>    FindCommand = -1
> End Function
> Function FindPopupMenu( Command as String, oMenuBarSettings as Object )
> as Integer
>    for i = 0 to oMenuBarSettings.getCount()-1
>      oPopupMenu() = oMenuBarSettings.getByIndex(i)
> nPopupMenuCount = ubound(oPopupMenu())
> for j = 0 to nPopupMenuCount
>  if oPopupMenu(j).Name = "CommandURL" then
>          if oPopupMenu(j).Value = Command then
>             FindPopupMenu = j
>             exit function
> endif
>  endif
> next j
>    next i
>    FindPopupMenu = -1
> End Function
> Function GetProperty( PropertyName as String, properties() as Variant )
> as Variant
>    for j = lbound( properties() ) to ubound( properties() )
>      oPropertyValue = properties(j)
>      if oPropertyValue.Name = PropertyName then
>  GetProperty = oPropertyValue.Value
>        exit function
> endif
>    next j
>    GetProperty = null
> end function
> Function CreateMenuItem( Command as String, Label as String ) as Variant
>    Dim aMenuItem(2) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
>    aMenuItem(0).Name = "CommandURL"
>    aMenuItem(0).Value = Command
>    aMenuItem(1).Name = "Label"
>    aMenuItem(1).Value = Label
>    aMenuItem(2).Name = "Type"
>    aMenuItem(2).Value = 0
>    CreateMenuItem = aMenuItem()
> End Function
> Sub Test
>   MsgBox "Test"
> End Sub
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