Pierre-Andre Galmes wrote:

While starting to develop with OpenOffice.org, I have been asking to
myself quite a fex question about the developments tools used for C++.
There come the questions :

- How are the Makefile in the exemples of the SDK created ? By hand ?

yes, we decided to use gnu make to reduce the maintenance effort. The makefiles running on all supported platforms and they should only show the necessary steps. I agree that we need some documentation describing the makefiles but i haven't found the time to do that.

- How do you generate the makefiles in general ? Do you use
  automake/autoconf or any other tool ?
no, as i said the makefiles are created by hand. OO itself used a build environment based on dmake. The SDK build env. was mainly introduced to build the examples easily on all platforms.
- Is there a tool like qmake for QT that generates the Makefile for us
  from the files in the project directory ?
no, but it would be nice to have it. But of course for Java i expect that people use an IDE and all Java IDE's which i know are ant based.
- How to then compile the project on Windows with those Unix make ?
gnu make is available on windows and you can simply build examples in the command shell of Windows.
- Is there any help about those compile topics ?
You can ask on dev@api.openoffice.org which is also the main mailing list for all SDK questions.

My aim is to simplify the tasks I have to manage while developing
OpenOffice.org. At the moment, I am a bit lost with the solutions I
could use. Even modifying the Makefiles from the examples is not easy,
and automating those tasks could help to focus on the real problems.
Where are the problems to adapt the example makefiles?

In general we have only the following steps

1. compile IDL files if own types were defined (includes compiling, rdb creation, header file or Java class file creation) 2. For C++ you have always to create some header files for UNO base types because the header files comes not directly with the SDK. But of course you can do that once for all types at the beginning. Maybe i should do that during the configuration step in the future.
3. compiling C++ or Java sources in dependency of 1. or 2. if necessary
For Java you have to create a manifest entry to indentify your registration class.
4a. Client applications
C++: rename your application with leading "_", copy unoapploader binary in the same directory and rename it to your original application name Java: create manifest entry and put the bootstrap glue code from the SDK classes directory into your jar file

4b. UNO components
zip all necessary files into a zip file with the extension *.uno.pkg, create a manifest.xml with the appropriate entries

For details of UNO packages see the Developers Guide or ask me again.


Could anyone give me some help, please ? Thanks-you.


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