Hi Ivo,

>>(and no, neither my IDE's editor nor my fallback editor (TextPad)
>>currently seem to recognize UTF-8 :( )
> I don't know what IDE you use. My msdev opens resources files well.

Hmm, I opened dbaccess/source/ui/browser/sbabrw.src from src.m133, and
msdev showed me only garbage instead of umlauts.

Investigating this, it seems I accidentally hit one of the few files
which does not have the "Byte order marker", and thus is broken. Other
files with umlauts open fine in msdev (and, well, also in my fallback
text editor :).

Okay, what do I have to do to repair this file?

>>However, it would have
>>been nice to address those new problems before doing the change, IMO.
> As 95% of all editors are able to read/write UTF8 I didn't saw any 
> reason to do so.

The fact that you know (and obviously tested with at least msdev) this
shows that you *did* care for those potential problems beforehand. I
just got the impression you didn't because the one file I tried was
broken, and I assumed it was my editor, not the file ... Sorry.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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