
Thanks you very much for your very precise answer.

CPHennessy a écrit :
> On Fri December 2 2005 21:04, Yannick Patois wrote:
>>I have some files in an old (proprietary) format.
>>The format looks not too complex and the reverse seems to work fine for
>>now (that's just some old electronic typewriter, there is not too much

>>- My first thought was simply to create a simple OOo file with no text,
>>unzip the .sxw generated, find the content.xml and insert the converted
>>document text with the tags for formating, only a few tens of option
>>this typewritter supported. 
> I think that this is actually a reasonable way to approach your problem. 
> ODT files are reasonably easy to generate, and the simplest way to start is 
> obviously to start with no text formatting which is simply to make all of the 
> text a set of paragraphs. Then start on the formating.

Good, I'll continue this way, then.

>>- To the point I'm now, why not just creating an import filter for OOo?
> It should not be too difficult once you know some XML technologies i.e. XSLT 
> and XPATH. Have a look at http://xml.openoffice.org/filters.html for more 
> info on XML based filters.

Thanks for the inf, I have some knowledge of XSLT, I'll have a look.

>>So, I would ask you, what solution do you belive is the most suitable
>>for what I want to do? 
> Start with the generation of content.xml files as it will allow you to easily 
> get to grips with the various tags, and to know the mapping of your 
> attributes into OOo attributes. Once this is done then writing a filter 
> should be a bit easier.

I'll follow your recommandations.

Thanks you again for your very informative answer.


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