Please add
OfficeBean doesn't work on linux gtk
On Tuesday 24 January 2006 06:27 am, Martin Hollmichel wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to remind for the date of "last cws integration" on Februar 
> 9th. If cws are not ready for QA until February 2nd, I will strongly 
> recommend to retarget those to a later target. Parallel codeline for 
> 2.0.3 will be available around this time so that continious integration 
> will be possible. We still have 48 cws open for 2.0.2 so this is a tough 
> effort (186 tasks open for 2.0.2 overall).
> we also have 45 issues open with keyword "regression" which are not on 
> target 2.0.2 (see list below), please review your open 2.0.2 issues if 
> they are all doable in the time frame and register them in a cws. Please 
> also have a careful look into the list of regressions.
> All others, please install and use the latest snapshots, which will now 
> be available for every milestone (see 
> Your feedback will help 
> us to do a release candidate for 2.0.2 (Feb. 14/15th) without much delay,
> Martin
> 35616 thb Posterized printing skips pages
> 36691 hdu Reversed parethesis when exporting Hebrew documents with Typ
> 38158 flr RTL table imported with columns reversed
> 39515 sj Hebrew font lost on export to PPT
> 40890 fs Button BackgroundColor (and others) not working with native
> 41800 cl Move along curve not implemented in OOo1 975
> 41891 pl "pressed" item of a HeaderBar has unusable coloring
> 42313 [EMAIL PROTECTED] MySQL time fields display wrong values
> 46648 flr WW8: Locale date format lost on fields when exported
> 49349 tm status bar state is not remembered
> 49357 thb Plugin objects & applets don't play in Slide Show mode
> 49989 cl Embedded flash doesn't work
> 50869 os Two icons on Insert Index/Table dialog show "F" not "E" as i
> 51180 sus DocBook <title> -> <para>
> 51277 flr WW8: hard formattings lost upon save & reload of file
> 51301 flr crash on load of invalid .sxw created with GRAMPS (svg:viewB
> 51923 as obstrusive error-messages on loading of doc when linked imag
> 52502 requirements Interaction "run program" warning-messages-boxes not 
> to turn
> 52629 os Printing form letter dialog has no printer or printer settin
> 52699 os Frame Border Style on toolbar inconsistent w/ Format Frame B
> 53196 hbrinkm list style removed as hard attribute not recognized when imp
> 53200 hbrinkm TOC title erroneosly numbered in SO5.2 document
> 53223 tl Problems when exporting a doc that contains formulas
> 53821 os Hyperlink button always inserted at end of line
> 54000 os master document cannot handle sdw files anymore
> 54391 od save word-doc in native format and reload → you'll get add
> 54590 es Import Writer doc containing table fails in m130 but not in
> 55227 cl Regression: Impress text effects do not work
> 56294 fme 'Page count' doesn't update automatically (in table) in foot
> 56442 sus XSLT output encoding ignored
> 56771 ab JavaScript in HTML -> ambiguous error message
> 57403 as jumping to another table doesn't work with buttons (text-URL
> 57559 os Copy and paste: space / blank insertion doesn't work correkt
> 57663 cl controls generate no action in fullscreen
> 58707 af hide slide ico invisible beside hide slide
> 58811 tm 'dimension lines' move after a copy-paste into OOo Writer fr
> 59030 os Spelling: "Change all" does not work when typing custom sugg
> 59086 oj OOo2.0.x shows "Pers?nliches Adre?buch" instead of "Persönl
> 59169 sj Asian characters in WMF displayed extremely condensed
> 59171 of Shared configuration lost during update
> 59204 dbaneedsconfirm Report Wizard: Columns using reserved words like table
> 59391 markomlm Intergration Setupguides to Install-Packages
> 59513 flr WW8: Crash on importing large document
> 59791 npower Regression in Basic : constants constructs are limited to 79
> 60515 tm Crash when inserting hyperlink
> 60950 es Conditional text fails with DB-field condition based on quer
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