Jan Uhlir wrote:
Hello everyone,
I have a curious question about status of  support of system 
fontconfig/freetype in recent OpenOffice.org 2.0.x
Similar question was left unaswered on user forum so I'm trying my luck here..

I use build options --with-system-freetype --enable-fontconfig. Does it mean 
that OOo will now obey a system fontconfig settings (/etc/fonts.conf) I have a 
precise per font settings fonts.conf - size and font tailored hinting, 
autohinting and antialiasing – and I naturally want OOo to follow them.

> What is the exact relation between OOo and system fontconfig/freetype if OOo is build with --with-system-freetype --enable-fontconfig?

OOo uses fontconfig to discover available fonts and what their names are. Also fontconfig is used to discover which UI font to use if you happen to run the gtk plugin for OOo (usually the case if you run OOo on Gnome).

The more detailed settings you mentioned are not supported as of now; that would be an enhancement yet to be implemented.

Kind regards, pl

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