Pavel Janík írta:
   Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 21:48:52 +0200

   > The license issues under eliminating :o) The templates that seem
   > problematic is undel LGPL or PDL... I will check files from
   > EXTRAS CD (that downloadable from but
   > they use ooextras, stuffs so the are free. Fonts are
   > free, Clip arts are free, Cisco clip arts free but aganist for
   > alteration.
Hmmm. You seem to not distinguish between free and free.
If we want to license something really free we should do it under BSD license :o) Of course the LGPL (or like) licenses serve best the community. In the point of users I thing the main percent of users won't change, alter the resources (cliparts and fonts)... Of course some of them migh want to change something, but they can connect the original author for permission. In the other hand alteration is something to do on existing thing. You might copy it in new name the you can change it. In the case of Cisco cliparts - I agreed with Cisco - they have a well know and widely used sign set. If I were Cisco I doesn't want to someone to change my sets - create a new - incompatible figure... Do you? You can use it to create a new one on different name...
 I personally do
not care about things that are free (as in free beer) and their license
prohibits me to change them. Such work is useless for me and also for OOo.
Why do you want to change cliparts? Fonts? Why don't you create a new one? Or a derivate? Also you can always ask the author to help out you... I understand that the world should be free but it isn't.. We should admit the others they think different.
I do not like many things on your XXX Premium.
Wow... Can you explain it? I would like to suit to your directives.
 I even consider it as unfair
to name something as SomethingElse Premium (which in fact is my primary
reason I won't look at it at all).
The name was my decision. Sorry. I wanted a name that says it contains more than vanilla I selected a way like other software: nero premium, ms office professional, windows xp professional and others. The base of this product is same as I just added some extras. The Hungarian team builded it on same machines as original Of course I am open to your ideas about the name of product. And the user response is excellent. There are many user that only installs the next version of after Premium released (for the reason of internal testing it appear 5-10 days later than the original)... Of course the installs Premium... We relaised more than 20000 downloads on different sites for 2.0.2, and I didn't counted the main donwload site numbers (it hasn't got stats for downloads) at The Premium has been released on three IT mags' DVD encloses... So in my opinion it is that what the users want. Of course the most important is, but the users like the additional content. If you compare the main office suites, the default installation CD contains lots of extras... Moreover Microsoft offers more extras on its site.
For very similar example, have a look at

This issue is about including some kind of fonts into OOo. It is
impossible, because these fonts are non-free. But what we could include is
a generic framework for new font sets inclusion. And we can even include
some free (and license compatible!) fontsets into our (I'm working on product.
I don't want to include something if it is not good to us. But I am waiting for the help to community to enhance the user experience :o) I would include the useful things... (If you look DejaVu fonts and Fontwork gallery already included)... I want a same progression with other parts of Premium package...
This is what I expect from your work on your OOo distribution. Are you
going this way or you simply bundle everything you have/downloaded from all
around the world into it?
I would like to include useful things. I only included that seem to me useful. Of course the current situation is a little bit changed. I would like to make it to available in more languages... enus, de on the way, but I do not know what is useful for that languages. So mere help need :o) Of course I can do CZ version if you want :o) But please understand - I my term - the office application is far more than the just the applications. We can vote the users...
 Such project is useless in my opinion. Providing
framework to include all these extras file into the running product and/or
into the instset is worth the effort. Simple/manual bundling of everything
into it is not.
The framework is ready. You can review the diff files of All of Premium's modification is providing a perfect (or near) and seamless integration into original's source... So it is not just a simple/manual building, it is a way where we can move -- if we want bundle more useful extras... If we want...


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