Hi Michael,

To me, this whole discussions seems to be about the

  "bring it in quick (and sometimes dirty)"
  "bring it in slow, but matured (though sometimes still dirty)"

controverse. It's a matter of taste, belief, and perhaps experience
which approach one prefers. You prefer the first one, as you said often
enough. I continue to think that the second one might bring more than it
costs, *if* applied properly. I might be wrong here, but that's still
not proven to me). Plus, that's a big, fuzzy "if", admittedly.

The problem is: We need to find a consensus in the OpenOffice.org
project as a whole, and all your sarcasm doesn't change this.

So, how do we proceed? You continue to put in small, cool (yes!) changes
which sometimes one or more of a) do not fully work as expected [1] b)
break existing documents c) break the online help, and others (mostly we
Sun-paid people, admittedly) continue to say that's a Bad Thing (TM)? Or
are there chances we find a compromise?


[1] Did I mention your port doesn't work as expected for me? After the
    first start, I have a quickstarter. After closing it, I never get it
    back, again, not even with checking the respective option in the
    menu. Somehow I think this particular feature *should* have had some
    more QA, in other words: some involvement of more parties.

    Speaking strictly, the solution you finally chose with the latest
    fix is the proper one: You feature works perfectly in the use case
    "distro-provided OpenOffice.org build", so it should be enabled in
    exactly this particular use case.

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Database                   http://dba.openoffice.org -
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