Hi Kevin,

First, we should really move this discussion to dev@installation.openoffice.org to get the experts on board.

Kevin Williams wrote:
Thanks for the response,

If not tar.gz, I should be able to get the unpackaged product, which I can
simply copy it over to the destination. In fact this is what I was
expecting. I have built a BLFS system following the instructions in the BLFS
Book. As per the instructions in the book, once the build is complete, the
contents of instsetoo_native/unxlngi6/OpeOffice are simply copied over to
/opt/OpenOffice-2.0.3 followed by the icons to /usr/share/icons. Then,

This seems to be a bug in the book, I think. Creating install sets for OpenOffice.org does not work this way.

OpenOffice should work just like the way it should ! I have failed to
(It's OpenOffice.org, btw ...)

Yes. But what you describe is not the way it should work, at least not for OOo 2.0.3.. I only can advice you to switch to a recent version like SRC680 m192 or OOE680 m2 or wait for OOo 2.1 to be released.

understand why this didn't happen in my case. I don't get the OpenOffice
directory unless I enable epm. When I enable epm, what is delivered to the
directory OpenOffice is useless.

I'm trying hard to know where is the packaging script located so, I can read the script and modify it to deliver it in tar.gz format. There's got to

The script is a perl script 'make_installer.pl' in solenv/bin with lots of modules in solenv/bin/modules/installer
Hacking this stuff will not be easy though, as it is quite complex.

be a
list file which would list all the files that need to be installed along
with the relative paths (and the directory hierarchy). If I can find that
file, its fairly easy to proceed. I can write a script to read the list file
and copy the appropriate file from solver to the appropriate directory. I

The list gets build in module 'scp2' and is delivered to solver as 'setup_osl.ins'. Unfortunately it is not so easy to use, as it does not contain the destination directory. Additionally is is not sufficient to just copy some files. There are other actions to perform as to register services into services.rdb.

don't know where to look for. My guess is that, the list is dynamically
generated from several list files sprinkled throughout the source tree.

It's generated from several list files ( *.par files) in module scp2.

If I
only could get the naming style used for the list files.....

Failing that, If it is possible to generate an "archive" or "installed"
package from the (SRC680 milestone m188 and newer), I can download that same
version and compile. I couldn't get a link to that on the
openoffice.orgwebsite. I could see the link to
2.0.4 Release Candidate 3 and I'm not sure if this is what you are talking

Ouch! Just tried myself, and you are rigth. From http://download.openoffice.org/680/index.html I only get source tar ball of 'OOoSnapshot-M173', which is quite old. It's a shame, obviously this page needs some update.

I did some research here and got the link > http://download.openoffice.org/680/index.html If you select a mirror there you can download OOE680_m2 as install set and as source tarball 'OOE680_m2_src.tar.gz'. OOE680 m2 is a pre rc build on our way to OOo 2.1, up-to-date and contains the new packaging formats Ingo announced for m188.

What is the guarantee that, if I install rpm on my system just for this
purpose, openoffice-2.0.3 will deliver it in rpm format for sure ? Could it
be possible that, what is delivered is again useless as in the case of epm
which I already have tried !!?

Sorry, did not get that ...

Thanks for the suggestions and I would appreciate if I could be lead in a
direction that will get the OpenOffice delivered in some format. I mean a
finished product that can be installed with all the features enabled !



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