Hi Robert,

Robert Vojta wrote:
> Hallo all,
> I'm working on WebDAV content provider now and I'm focused on HTTPS
> support. There is no problem on platforms like Linux, where I can use
> system neon library (--with-system-neon), which is obviously compiled
> with SSL support. I tested this and HTTPS support for WebDAV works
> perfectly.
 We already talked about this on [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your work is greatly
appreciated. I (as the author of the original WebDAV content provider
code) offer you my full assistance with this project.

> But what should I do for remaining platforms? Windows, Solaris, Mac OS
> X? Do these platforms have SSL libraries like openssl? Or should I
 OpenSSL is available for all of these platform (not sure about Mac OS).
But at least on Windows, OpenSSL is not part of the OS installation.
Cannot say for Solaris, Mac OS.

 The OO.o builds SUN provides, on all platforms come with it's own
version of some 3rd-party libraries (neon, libxml2, ...). The reason for
this (in most cases) is that the official version of the 3rd party lib
needs to be patched in order to work well with OO.o. We always try to
contribute fixes back, but often there is a time frame where we need the
fix for an OO.o release, but the fix is not yet available in an official
version of the library affected by the patch.

> make new top level project from openssl (internal openssl)? What about
 Yes, this is the way to go I suggest. Create a new module 'openssl' in
project 'external'. A good template for such a 3rd-party library module
is external/neon or external/libxml2.

 To compile/use non-system neon library that supports SSL, the patch
file contained in external/neon must be slightly changed. I have done
this several times before and offer myself to do this again. We can
discuss the details on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Additionally, for OO.o builds that shall use system provided OpenSSL
libs, a configure switch "--with-system-openssl" would be appreciated.

> openssl's Apache license?
 Apache license is okay.

> I do not want to connect SSL support with neon only, because I can
> imagine that we can use SSL layer somewhere else too. Any comments?
 Yes, OpenSSL could be usefull somewhere else. Therefore, I suggest to
built OpenSSL as a shared library and to link neon against this shared lib.

- Kai.

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