
mellannie rachelle reyes wrote:

> *Good day sir!!! I am Mellannie again, sorry for asking over and over again,
> actually its my first time to add a plug-in in a particular application and
> i am still quite confused.*
> *What we were really trying to do is to add a plug-in in the
> openoffice.writer at the toolbar and a top-level menu, in the first step i
> will have to register components using unopkg, and according to the
> dev_guide i will use a command prompt? if i am correct, honestly i do not
> know what are the components that i should add, is it a code or something?
> and pls help me on how can go to the path of unopkg using command prompt? i
> am really sorry but i am really confused considering that this is also my
> first time to even use an openoffice...also accdg. to the dev_guide we could
> use our own images for our add-on, but where are we going to save our image,
> is it in the folder of openoffice?, also is it required that our image
> should be in hexadecimal form if it is already a bmp?...*

Please take and study the Add-On examples you can find in the SDK. They
should compile and link their components (extensions) and automatically
install them out of the box. You can also install the created extension
using "Tools-Extension Manager" ("Toos-Package Manager" in older
versions of OOo).

By studying the source code together with the DevGuide you should be
able to learn how things work. If you have a particular question that
you can't get answered from these sources we will try to help you. But
explaining all this stuff via mail up front will not be useful - and you
would only get what the DevGuide and the code examples in the SDK told
you anyway.


Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead OpenOffice.org Writer
OpenOffice.org Engineering at Sun: http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS
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