Hi developers,

Ause made me recently aware of the fact, that ambiguities regarding the RTL Reference type (sal/inc/rtl/ref.hxx - rtl::Reference) and the Uno Reference type (cppu/inc/com/sun/star/uno/Reference.h - com::sun::star::uno::Reference) are showing up more frequently, because of some (don't know yet which) changed headers now including the RTL Reference, precompiled headers (I actually have to admit, that I don't know the exact relationship yet) and multiple "using" declarations.

 #include "myheader.hxx"

 using rtl;
 using com::sun::star::uno;


   Reference<XBla> xBla;


did compile as long as myheader.hxx did not include (neither directly nor indirectly) rtl/ref.hxx . Somehow adding rtl/ref.hxx now leads to ambiguities because of the unclear usage of "Reference".

I briefly talked to Malte, Matthias Huetsch and Michael Brauer about this, and we found various possible solutions leading to disambiguate resolution, from which we favored the following.

We assume, that people using "using rtl;" mostly intend to use the RTL string and string buffer classes. Therefor we suggest to just be a little bit more precise regarding the things being "usable" from the RTL namespace, by making the "using rtl;" somewhat more precise:

 using rtl::OUString;
 using rtl::OUStringBuffer;

respectively everything else :-)

->Matthias, Malte, Michael: Hopefully I have summarized our suggestion correctly.




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