On Wed, 2007-07-18 at 17:28 +0200, Martin Hollmichel wrote:
> Eike Rathke wrote:
> > Hi Martin,
> >
> > On Wednesday, 2007-07-04 17:04:39 +0200, Martin Hollmichel wrote:
> >
> >   
> >> modified version of the child workspace policies on 
> >> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/CWS_Policies
> >>     
> >
> > http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/CWS_Policies#Build_Configurations
> > | A CWS must be built on at least two platforms in the "product" version
> > | (Windows and one UNIX platform)
> >
> > How will we ensure that non-Hamburg based CWSs can be built on these
> > platforms and install sets be made available?
> >
> >   
> I'm not sure about this. The intention is to avoid build breakers in the 
> master build so I would expect that the install set for non product 
> build must be made available. I would like to ask for comment from 
> Release Engineering if they still need to have these rule applied. I 
> guess it can be modified into: if any product/non product dependent code 
> has been modified do build for nonproduct and product builds,

I have two comments.

1) The use of "product" and "non-product" terms seems unclear to me.
What do they mean exactly?

2) IMO, requiring that the developer of the cws make the binary install
set available to the QA personnel has the following downside.

On Linux platform, there is an issue of ABI compatibility due to gcc
versioning as well as system library dependencies.  When I build on my
machine, I do build using gcc 4.1.0 and make use of external system
libraries.  This means that, even if I am able to provide an
installation set for the QA personnel by uploading it to an FTP/Web
server, my install set may not run on QA person's (Linux) machine.

To me, it is just as well workable (or better?) to check the integrity
of a cws at source code level, and have both the developer and the QA
build the same cws on both ends.  I'm personally not seeing any
advantage of requiring the developer to build and provide the binary
install sets for QA, especially on Linux platform.

I do agree the the developer of a cws should ensure buildability of that
cws before handing it to the QA, and buildbot can play a major role
here.  But I don't agree with the install set requirement.


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