Hi there,

just installed RC2 and a scripting language extension for ooRexx
("ScriptProviderForooRexx.jar") which was built for earlier versions of
OOo (2.1, 2.2) and which works fine there.

Installing it with the "Extension Manger" and alternatively with
"unopkg" (either command line or with the "gui" option) brings up the
following error message:

"Can not activate the factory for
because java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:

Closing all instances of OOo (also with a reboot) will always show
"ooRexx" as an option on the "Macro..." menu item, but it is not
possible to create, load or run ooRexx scripts.

As nothing has changed in the script provider jar for ooRexx (it works
on earlier versions) I was wondering whether there were any changes for
OOo 2.3 in the Scripting framework area or in the way jars are found.

TIA for any hints/insights,


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