Giulliano Bueno wrote:

> To Whom it may concern,
> I have been working as Java programmer since 2003 and I would like to contribute with my work in this project. May join the team?

Yes, you´re welcome of course.

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Usually developers joining new first start by commiting code for bugfixes or small new features via patches to issues in issuezilla ( )´s bug and task tracking system and later on they get further involved and get own CVS ( commit rights themselfs and than would be creating their own so called ChildWorkspaces for code contributions a mechanism used in many subprojects with which new code is being integrated.

Please have a look at the following page to get started with OOo development:


General information about contributing to can be found on

Please note that you need to sign the Joint Copyright Assignment in order to contribute code. For information about signing the JCA have a look at consists of several subprojects, have a look at the subproject webpages linked from and corresponding mailing lists to find a subproject in which you might be interested to join.

Source Code of is mainly C++ source code but there´s also some java code being used, eg. the Base module relies on java and there is also a java lanuage binding for the API. The page explains for which features of OOo java is being used.

One java related subproject where I am also involved a bit currently is the odf4j library which is being created in the odftoolkit subproject
See and corresponding mailing list.
The aim of odf4j is to create a java library for creating and manipulating OpenDocument files ( the fileformat uses ) from java applications without the need to install an complete installation. Maybe this could be something you would like to help with. odf4j and the odftoolkit project are just in it´s very beginning and currently do not yet use the ChildWorkspace mechanism to integrate new source code which is used by other subprojects and thus this project might be a bit easier for a new OOo java developer to start with. If you would like to join this sub-project subscribe to it´s mailing list.

For instructions on how to get source code and on how to build have a look at pages linked from

Another possibility to contribute is to create extensions for for which related utilities like the Netbeans or Eclipse OOo-Development plugins can be used.

Have a look at

Note that the website may currently be a little bit slow or even unresponsive caused by heavy traffic due to the new version just released.

There is also an IRC chat channel on the IRC server where developers meet and discuss things online.

> Thanks,
> Giulliano Bueno.

Kind regards,
Bernd Eilers

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