On Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 10:52:22PM -0500, Zongyun Lai wrote:
> However, when I want to launch the application, I do the following  
> operations, and it crashes,
> $ . LinuxX86Env.Set.sh
> $ cd solver/680/unxlngi6.pro/bin/
> $ ./soffice.bin -impress
> (.. a quick splash screen, then crash, can't even see what it is...)
> $ echo $?
> 78
As you found out, OOo needs to be installed for proper operation -
you can kind of make the build do that for you, by setting
PKGFORMAT=installed. Then,
instsetoo_native/<yourplatform>/OpenOffice/installed/... will
contain a ready-made OOo installation.

Even easier is using ooo-build
(http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Ooo-build), that's a build
system & set of patches around OOo, that basically makes building a 

./download  (to grab build prerequisites)
ooinstall -l <target_dir>

> So, could anyone give me some hints for this weird situation? Why can't  
> I just launch applications in solver/680/unxlngi6.pro/bin/ directdory? I  
> have googled the problem, some article suggest setting  
> OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP=none, but it is of no use. So, if I have to install  
> those packages after each modifications, it is very inconvenient for  
> testing and debugging.
True. Usually people manually copy libraries from solver to installation 
to avoid this situation - ooo-build's ooinstall conveniently integrates a 
script that symlinks solver & installation, so that's taken care of
there (vanilla OOo's version of that script is currently broken).


-- Thorsten

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