On Mon, 2008-04-07 at 12:39 -0600, Andrew Z wrote:

> **Thoughts
>  1. The cold start simulator is not perfect.  The first pass of the
>     first iteration is generally the slower than the first iteration
>     of the second pass.  The difference varies from -0.93s to +5.92s.

I ran some tests at one stage on exactly the same version of OOo for 20+
runs running the coldstart reset between each run, and then 20+
warmstart runs. But the deviation between runs was too large for me to
accept :-( And the deviation from un-installing a version, and
re-installing the same version swings wildly too, so I retired in
defeat. I just couldn't trust the results sufficiently to reliably
determine if a change X made OOo faster or slower by comparing one set
of results against the other from two different install sets :-(

What I really want is something like Michael's
http://live.gnome.org/iogrind but that just says "your app burned up
110,000 bogoios and 90,000,000 bogocpus" and every time you run it it
says "110,000 bogoios and 90,000,000 bogocups". It doesn't even matter
too much if it the ratio is wildly different to the real world as long
as it's consistent between runs and reducing measurable bogoios reduces
real world work by some amount.

>  2. So I don't hurt performance, I sleep for 0.10 seconds while
>     waiting for OpenOffice.org to start accepting UNO connections, but
>     0.10 seconds may be too high because of the small differences in
>     warm startup.

How about launching OOo with a document that had a starbasic macro
hooked to onload (or whatever it was) to avoid the connect, fail, retry
cycle of connecting to the uno port, and have it do a big "killall -9
soffice.bin" at the end. That's sort of what I tried out.


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