On Mon, 2008-04-07 at 14:40 -0600, Andrew Z wrote:
> > What I really want is something like Michael's
> > http://live.gnome.org/iogrind but that just says "your app burned up
> > 110,000 bogoios and 90,000,000 bogocpus" and every time you run it it
> > says "110,000 bogoios and 90,000,000 bogocups". It doesn't even matter
> > too much if it the ratio is wildly different to the real world as long
> > as it's consistent between runs and reducing measurable bogoios reduces
> > real world work by some amount.
> I am not a performance guru, but I think not all bogoios are worth the
> same in practice.  For example, see slides 15-16 here

        So - bogoio's are the right approach; the problem is less getting an
accurate simulation, but getting a repeatable simulation :-) of course,
accuracy is nice if you can be repeatable; but ...

        Unfortunately, iogrind doesn't work wonderfully well for threaded
applications; but it can be run on OO.o to profile cold-start; and it
might even give some useful numbers - particularly now there is a
'warming' feature (so you can simulate eg. gedit first to warm the gtk
+ / glibc stack (etc.)).

        The console mode will give you a single "12.35 bogoseconds" type



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