Minor update (no pun intended): The minor (".0") is dropped from the OpenOffice.org brand layer (see <http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=88143>). This means that cross-minor updates for OOo can potentially be smaller.

Stephan Bergmann wrote:
Hi all,

With the advent of the newly structured three layer OOo 3 (see <http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/ODF_Toolkit/Efforts/Three-Layer_OOo>), the question arises into what directory structure the various parts of the products shall be installed.

The old (OOo 2.4) structures were as follows:

On Unix (Linux, Solaris):
- The URE product by default installed to /opt/openoffice.org/ure (where the complete /opt/openoffice.org/ure prefix was relocatable). - The OOo product by default installed to /opt/openoffice.org2.4 (where the complete /opt/openoffice.org2.4 prefix was relocatable). - The StarOffice product, for example, by default installed to /opt/staroffice8 (where the complete /opt/staroffice8 prefix was relocatable).

On Windows:
- The URE product by default installed to <Program Files>\URE (where the complete <Program Files>\Ure prefix was relocatable). - The OOo product by default installed to <Program Files>\OpenOffice.org 2.4 (where the complete <Program Files>\OpenOffice.org 2.4 prefix was relocatable). - The StarOffice product, for example, by default installed to <Program Files>\Sun\StarOffice 8 (where the complete <Program Files>\Sun\StarOffice 8 prefix was relocatable).

The planned new (OOo 3.0) structures are as follows:

On Unix (Linux, Solaris):
- The URE product still by default will install to /opt/openoffice.org/ure (but only the /opt prefix is relocatable).
- The OOo product by default will install its three layers into
-- /opt/openoffice.org/ure
-- /opt/openoffice.org/basis3.0
-- /opt/openoffice.org3.0
 (where only the /opt prefix is relocatable).
- The StarOffice product, for example, by default will install its three layers into
-- /opt/openoffice.org/ure
-- /opt/openoffice.org/basis3.0
-- /opt/staroffice9
 (where only the /opt prefix is relocatable).

On Windows:
- The URE product by default will install to <Program Files>\OpenOffice.org\URE (where only the <Program Files> prefix is relocatable).
- The OOo product by default will install its three layers into
-- <Program Files>\OpenOffice.org\URE
-- <Program Files>\OpenOffice.org\Basis 3.0
-- <Program Files>\OpenOffice.org 3.0
 (where only the <Program Files> prefix is relocatable).
- The StarOffice product, for example, by default will install its three layers into
-- <Program Files>\OpenOffice.org\URE
-- <Program Files>\OpenOffice.org\Basis 3.0
-- <Program Files>\Sun\StarOffice 9
 (where only the <Program Files> prefix is relocatable).

Where (on both Unix and Windows) the ure layer is shared across any installed URE, OOo, StarOffice, etc. products, and the brand layer is shared across any installed OOo, StarOffice, etc. products: If installation finds a layer already installed somewhere on the machine (probably relocated), it re-uses that installed layer.

On Mac OS X, we will continue with self-contained installation sets for now, i.e., an OOo and a StarOffice will each contain (identical copies of) ure and basis layers, which they do not share. This may change later on.

The rationale for the new structures is as follows:

- When a user requests to relocate an installation to some prefix X, the user expects that everything is installed under X (according to AK). Thus, the common relocatable prefix of the three layers can not be longer than the longest common prefix of all the filepaths installed into the layers (i.e., only /opt resp. <Program Files>). Since URE and OOo, StarOffice, etc. share the ure layer, the relocatable prefix of the URE also had to be shortened (on Unix).

- The user-relevant paths have not changed. URE (on Unix) is still found at /opt/openoffice.org/ure, OOo is still found at /opt/openoffice.orgX.Y resp. <Program Files>\OpenOffice.org X.Y, and for example StarOffice is still found at /opt/starofficeX resp. <Program Files>\Sun\StarOffice X.

- If an installation finds an older ure (or basis) layer than it needs, it should be possible to allow for updating the existing layer. On Windows, according to IS, this would not be possible for the existing URE product, however. So, we decided to ignore any existing pre-OOo3 URE installations on Windows (of which there are probably only very few, anyway) and use a new path for the new, OOo3-and-beyond URE.

Input, anyone?


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