Hi Stephan,

Le 16 juin 08 à 13:47, Stephan Bergmann a écrit :

"We" here loosely means the group of people inside Sun that started to get the warning-free thing going back then.


Ok, I had in mind some ESC meeting or something. In fact, searching in the archives, I found your -impressive- original mail (http:// www.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?listName=dev&msgNo=14653 )

and for the record, I found it very interesting and I mentionned it on the Education Project wiki page ( http:// wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Education_Project/Effort#.5B. 5BEducation_Project.2FEffort.2FFixing_warning_.7C_Fixing_warnings_. 28click_me.29.5D.5D )

I remember having discussed the binfilter issue in some face-to- face setting, but do not remember any further details, and also did not find anything written down regarding this. My comment was not meant to imply an "officiality," I just wanted to give background information.

My question was just informative, nothing more. Mail is not the best sometimes, and without the context, the intention can easely be misunderstood. Sorry.

Don't get me wrong;

I don't :-)

I do not say you must not change binfilter (how could I?).

You are right to point us to not spend resources for useless work (e.g. for the one who will QA the changes), and from our side, we promise to be as efficient as possible, starting following kendy's advice, for example, but not only. With Rakesh, we have the enthousiasm, and you have the expertise :-)

If you think it is a good idea, go ahead.

Ok, and if you have other ideas, please don't hesitate to tell us.

I think another important work we could start working on for Education Project is "explain" the bridges. I remember Daniel Boelzle wrote a great document explaining how works the "proxy" between UNO, Java and C++ APIs, and this could be an interesting theorical point about OpenOffice.org for beginners. The bad thing is I lost the document somewhere, but I'm confident I'll retrieve one copy soon.

Of course, if you think this is a wrong idea, don't hesitate to tell me.



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