Hello Martin,

What you are saying makes sense. You should perhaps add it to the Talk section of the Charter draft: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Talk:Community_Council/Items/Charter_Proposal


Le 10 sept. 08 à 13:03, Martin Hollmichel a écrit :

sorry, for stepping in that lately.

by looking at the current charter there are mainly two areas of work described for the Community Council:

* legislative tasks like representation of the community, coordination with various entities, voting, doing proposals

* judiciary tasks like arbitrate between different parties inside and outside the community.

IHMO one big part is missing, the executive part and if I review the work of the CC this is the main issue within the CC: Doing the actual work, e.g. doing the new elections, make a proposal for something (budget, year plan, policies, etc.) is not making that progress we would like to see. The voluntary approach that the members of the CC are also doing the actual work does simply not work. Typically the current CC members have a lot of other jobs/work so I think most of them are already looking for what they can do less instead of taking over more responsibilities and work.

I would propose to delegate the actual work to "officers" which are preparing proposal and let the CC make the final decisions. In that way we can establish subject matter experts which are willing and able to do the actual work and make the CC at the same time more effective. What I can think of that we establish at least following officers: * Exec Officer: preparing meetings, minutes, elections and other administrative stuff
* a Secretary: minutes, invitations, etc.
* Treasurer
* Conference planning officer: planning and coordinating various conferences
* Infrastructure Officer:
* Engineering/Development Officer:
* Localization and Internationalization Officer:
* Legal Officer: legal issues, e.g. trademark policies etc.
* public relations officer:
other Offices (ODF, can be added as needed

These Officers can be elected out of the community based on the principles of meritocracy. Officers then would have the right to speak in the CC. The Officers also would be the owner of the according budget.Officers can build working groups.

I know that this does not address the concerns regarding the discussion who's electable for the council but I also think that this is not the main point to get the CC to get the work done. From my experience from the last years in the CC I just can say that I'm not able to follow _and_ to work on all the stuff we had on the agenda, what I would like to do is either to judge and vote about well prepared proposals or to work in just one area for the CC. And having the proposals is the harder work to do. But sceptic as I am, I don't think that we'll find people for the all above proposed Offices. And I just don't think that the proposed changes alone in the charter for making more people electable for the CC makes the work in CC better.


Michael Meeks wrote:
Hi Martin,

        I notice, at:


        there is a section:

"Work on modification of the CC charter

The draft for the proposal is now on the wiki. Martin will bring the
discussion on the charter to the dev@ list in order to get more feedback
from developers (core and non core developers) about the interest of
that group to get involved in issues not related to source code.
AI: Martin to bring the discussion on dev@

        The draft proposal is here:


        is there already a thread discussing this ?



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