Kay Ramme - Sun Germany - Hamburg wrote:

> Hi Mathias, Caolan,
> IMHO right approach for _all_ library (de-)initialization is to use the 
> library c'tors / d'tors (AKA _init / _exit, DLLMAIN etc.). This would 
> also avoid the problems we are every once a while facing regarding 
> shutdown ...

When will they be called? I assume when the library is unloaded by the
system. This would be far too late for the code we call in the Exit()

>From former times we still have this "some things must be available all
the time" approach that still hurts us here. The code called in the
Exit() method relies on being able to execute any code in the
corresponding DLL and this OTOH might access objects that already have
been destroyed when the library gets unloaded.

As I wrote already, every deinit scenarios based on low level operations
may work fine with libraries not being bound to a large C++ framework,
but not for libraries like sw, sd and so on.

I agree that this would be desirable - but until then it's a long way to
go and some other more important stations on this way need to be visited

Perhaps I should join the currently ongoing "talk about your visions"
fashion to explain my roadmap on this way. ;-)


Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead OpenOffice.org Writer
OpenOffice.org Engineering at Sun: http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS
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