Mathias Bauer schrieb:
It would perhaps help if you posted a code snippet showing the
parameters you use and the call itself. Besides that the only idea I
have is that the document might be open already.

I think, that might not be really helpful for you, because the code is basically done in Smalltalk and therefore, but actually the code looks like:

   | loadURL desktop writerDocument loadPropertyValues  |

   loadURL := 'file:///c:\esdb\WriterWithContentIndex.odt'.

   desktop :=
       aMSKOO serviceManager
           createInstance: OOCSSFrameDesktop starName.
writerDocument :=
           loadComponentFromURL: loadURL "<string>"
           TargetFrameName: '_blank' "<string>"
           SearchFlags: 0 "<long>"
           Arguments: Array new.

Actually I did the development within a XP-SP3 virtual machine hosted by VirtualBox under Linux. I tried the code above at my "native" XP-SP3 at work and I'm pretty glad to say, that it worked there without problems. I have to do further investigations what is going wrong here ....


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