Nguyen Vu Hung wrote:
Checking module list
dmake:  Error code 155, while making 'check_modules

Sorry, my suspicion - something missing around Perl - seems to be wrong.

[vuh...@aoclife prj]$  perl $SRC_ROOT/solenv/bin/ --checkmodules
build -- version: -

Fetching dependencies for module afms from solver... failed
Fetching dependencies for module beanshell from solver... failed

WARNING! Project(s):

not found and couldn't be built. Dependencies on that module(s)
ignored. Maybe you should correct build lists.

That is that.
The directories pointed by the are missing.

Module dependency is defined in the the first line of */prj/build.lst
oon     instsetoo_native        ::      postprocess packimages NULL

Look for postprocess and packimages
po      postprocess     ::      accessibility automation basctl bean fondu 
BINFILTER:binfilter chart2 configmgr CRASHREP:crashrep dbaccess desktop dtrans 
embeddedobj embedserv EPM:epm eventattacher extensions extras fileaccess filter 
forms fpicker helpcontent2 hwpfilter io JAVAINSTALLER2:javainstaller2 
lingucomponent MATHMLDTD:MathMLDTD MSFONTEXTRACT:msfontextract ODK:odk 
officecfg package padmin psprint_config remotebridges sc scaddins sccomp scp2 
scripting sd setup_native slideshow starmath sw sysui testshl2 testtools ucb 
UnoControls unoxml ure wizards xmerge xmlsecurity 
BITSTREAM_VERA_FONTS:bitstream_vera_fonts DICTIONARIES:dictionaries OOo:pyuno 
OOo:readlicense_oo SO:top unodevtools JFREEREPORT:jfreereport 
REPORTDESIGN:reportdesign SDEXT:sdext SWEXT:swext writerfilter 
WRITER2LATEX:writer2latex oox NULL

Look for accessibility, automation, ...
Not Found

So you got
> WARNING! Project(s):
> accessibility
> not found and couldn't be built.

Please consider use of a DEV300_mXX source tar ball instead of "svn co".


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