Stephan Bergmann wrote:
> On 03/11/09 15:12, rony wrote:
>> [Yes, I wholeheartedly agree, that the current situation is many
>> times frustrating, especially for beginners in an area of OOo (even
>> experts of one or two modules are beginners if turning to new
>> modules). There is a lot of resources that is being wasted just to
>> figure out what the original cause of an exception was, if possible
>> at all.]
> *With "figure out" do you mean programatically (catching an exception
> and trying to handle it, but having problems distinguishing the
> different kinds of exceptions that got lumped together as runtime
> exceptions due to missing exception raising specifications at UNO
> methods)* o/r a programmer trying to understand a situation where an
> exception was thrown/?  In the latter case, I would not see how
> Frank's proposal (change published UNO interfaces incompatibly by
> changing their method's exception raising specifications) would help
> here.
*The former: it is just frustrating to have a program bomb and get a
message like "exception occurred".  (Yielding the message: "go, figure...")*

/The latter case you cite would eventually help too, if the new
exceptions carry meaningful/helpful information via the exception('s
type); this may do wonders helping the developer to quickly (or more
quickly) identify the nature/cause of problems and either fix it right
away or becoming able to jump-start the necessary research in a concrete
"corner" of the documentation or area of the code. /


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