Stephan Bergmann wrote:
> On 07/20/09 11:49, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
>> So, if nobody requests continued support for zlib in libxml2, I will 
>> disable that feature in one of the next DEV300 builds.
> Removed as 
> <>. 
> Dropping the dependency on zlib from libxml2, I also in turn dropped the 
> dependency on zlib from libxmlsec, libxstl, and redland, assuming those 
> were transitive dependencies brought in by direct dependencies of those 
> modules on libxml2.  Let me know if that causes any build breakers in 
> any elaborate --with-system-whatever configurations...
> -Stephan

hi stephan,

just noticed that libxmlsec/xmlsec1-1.2.6.patch contains its own hacked up
version of the xml2-config script. sometime last year i've changed the
libxml2 module so it delivers its own xml2-config into the solver
(surprisingly, that was not done before), and removed another such script
from, iirc, libxslt. seems like i missed this one. given that you play
with this stuff anyway, can you try just removing the xml2-config from the
libxmlsec patch?

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