Hi Wei,

Wei Min Teo wrote:
> Thanks for your replies and suggestions. However, I do not want to start 
> soffice.exe as a normal user account as I would need the user account 
> password or wait for a user logon. 

I do not know about Windows well. How is the account 'SYSTEM' dangerous?

Microsoft TechNet describes user accounts for IIS and Built-in Accounts at

That might help you understand and set up an account for your OpenOffice.org.
It mentions one of the accounts, "built-in Local Service user account" which 
might be an alternative.

> I realised the problem running a OO service as SYSTEM is that:
> "the service runs as a special account and OpenOffice.org will try to show 
> the license agreement dialog as if it was a new user instead of starting the 
> application."

Yeah, that is the phenomenon I pointed before and said that might be well-known.

> "To avoid this, you need to edit share\registry\data\org\openoffice\Setup.xcu 
> (it's an XML file) inside the OpenOffice.org installation directory and 
> replace this bit"

Oh, that is a good idea, tweaking Setup.xcu under the folder 'share.' That is 

> This is the article that explains it: http://www.artofsolving.com/node/11


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