why every now and then I have a failure message from


2010/3/25 Niklas Nebel <niklas.ne...@sun.com>

> On 03/25/10 08:47, Andrea Chiumenti wrote:
>> Sorry I'm a bit confused, and browsing the site and using google I'm not
>> able to get a solution.
>> I've also tried with
>> XURI nodeTableName = URI.create(m_xContext, "tableName");
>> but I get this error:
>> CURI::initialize: argument not splittable: no separator [#/:]
>> Could you please give me a sample snippet ?
> Just use something like
> XURI nodeTableName = URI.create(m_xContext, "
> http://www.wingstech.it/gam3/v1.0/tableName";);
> One more thing: To get the URI for removeMetadataFile, you shouldn't use
> getURL from the XModel interface. Better use the document's XURI interface
> (parent of XDocumentMetadataAccess), so you always get the exact URI that
> the rdf implementation expects.
> Niklas
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