On 06/05/2011 14:39, Andor E wrote:
> Hi,
> we have created an extension for OpenOffice.org, that implements a
> custom mail merge function. For every record in a datasource the
> function appends all the pages from the source document to an output
> document. The function uses insertDocumentFromURL.
> After 200-300 loops OpenOffice.org crashes with a SIGSGEV in
> SwModify::_Remove. As far as I could ascertain, the Iterator
> pClientIters gets corrupted. Some of its elements aren't valid
> pointers. I guess, that this is a racing condition. Probably more than
> one element from the iterator are removed at the same time.
> Do you know a way to avoid this? Is it possible to disable the
> SwModify functionality during the processing of the document?
> Thanks
> eymux


this is a known race condition (well, actually two different kinds of race
condition, occuring in most of the writer API implementation):

it's only partially fixed since OOo 3.3; actually, the only way i know to
reliably crash due to this is to run our Bookmark unit test (before OOo 3.3).
you're probably the first user to find it :)

only known workaround is to restart OOo when it crashes.

"Invention, it must be humbly admitted, does not consist in creating out
 of void but out of chaos.  Any artist knows these truths, no matter how
 deeply he or she submerges that knowing."
 -- Jonathan Lethem (quoting Mary Shelley)

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