Ok perhaps I should provide a link :)

2008/4/27 Hendrik Siedelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello all
>  I'm proud to announce the first release of osmtools, a fast embedded
>  osm-data-database. This is an alpha version, only to show whats
>  possible and to check where development should go. But it already
>  features a fcgi server which might be somewhat usable for the export
>  tab.
>  From the readme:
>  Introduction
>  ------------
>  Osmtools is an embedded database for osm-data together with some
>  programs that work on the database. Goal is to provide a easy way to
>  write fast osm-application, independent of the database size.
>  The Data-Model is a bit different from normal osm data because ways do
>  not consist of a ordered list of node-ids, which have to be looked up
>  in order to work on the data. Instead ways directly consist of a
>  number of points. This should speed up for example rendering to svg or
>  routing by a huge amount.
>  Also overhead is reduced, as the completely redundand id<->point
>  assignment is removed.
>  Data is laid out spatially on disk to speed up access to
>  bounding-boxes. Chaching is left to the OS which works quite well, at
>  least on small datasets.
>  The database does not require much memory, the database folder takes
>  uncompressed a bit more memory than the compressed osm-file.
>  The only Way to access the Databse is currently an iterator wich
>  iterates through the data specified by a bounding box and a tag
>  filter. The filter is a number of key value pairs where key and value
>  are regular expression as understood by pcre (perl compatible regular
>  expressions).
>  current Limitations:
>  - single threaded (slow import)
>  - no spatial request (other then bbox)
>  Complilation
>  ------------
>  To compile you need cmake and the pcre and fcgi developement files.
>  In the osmtools folder do
>  cmake .
>  make
>  and you should get the executables osm2db, osm_server and planet_stat.
>  Applications
>  ------------
>  - osm2db
>   usage: osm2db [options] input output-directory
>   where options may be:
>   -s key val : strips the key-value pair from all nodes
>   osm2db will import the input osm file to a databse which will reside
>  in the output director which must already exist. While importing stats
>  are print every 2 seconds.
>   As all nodes the ways consist of need to be looked up and the import
>  is single threaded at the moment, import will get very slow when the
>  Index doesn't fit into memory. Don't try to import a planet dump if
>  you don't have at least 4 or better 8 gigs of memory.
>  - planet_stat
>   usage: planet_stat [options] osm-folder
>   options:
>   -f key val : filter input with regular expressions
>   -v : print informations about the ways/nodes
>   simply counts the ways and nodes matching the filter. Additionally
>  prints informations like tags, type.
>  - osm_server
>   osm_server is a fcgi-application that serves osm-data. Data can be
>  filtered by regular expressions and a bbox.
>   The server filters and loads data on the fly which makes it
>  relatively fast, around 15MB/s when cached or 4MB/s from disk, running
>  on my notebook (sempron 2800+).
>   Disk speed is from a single connection (worst case), multiple
>  concurrent downloads speed it up due to caching and IO-scheduling.
>   The server is single threaded which means for concurrent connection
>  a thread has to be started.
>   Also note that the IDs of ways-nodes are changed due to the internal
>  data-model.
>   The path for the database is read from OSM_DB_PATH environment variable.
>   example fcgi configuration (lighttpd):
>   fastcgi.server = ( "map" => ( "localhost" =>
>                     ( "host" => "",
>                       "port" => 1080,
>                       "min-procs" => 1,
>                       "max-procs" => 50,
>                       "check-local" => "disable",
>                       "bin-path" => "/path_to_osmtools/osm_server",
>                       "bin-environment" => ("OSM_DB_PATH" =>
>  "/path_to_osmtools_database/")
>                  )))
>   please note that lighttpd will always have processes running as
>  adaptive spawning is not currently supported.
>   with this configuration requests may look like this:
>   .../map?bbox=<left>,<down>,<right>,<upper>,key=<expression>,val=<expression>
>   key and val may be repeated to expand the filter.

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