Dirk Stöcker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Wed, 15 Oct 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>>> I found a fix:
>>>>> In ymap.html change
>>>>>         mapDiv.style.width  = new_width;
>>>>>         mapDiv.style.height = new_height;
>>>>>         map.resizeTo( new YSize(new_width, new_height));
>>>>> to
>>>>>         map.resizeTo( new YSize(new_width, new_height));
>>>>>         mapDiv.style.width  = new_width;
>>>>>         mapDiv.style.height = new_height;
>>>> This fix doesnt quite work for me. I get "overlapping" tiles,
>>>> portions of the tiles are repeated.
>>>> (cant really describe it better)
>>>> The webkit downloader seems to work, though.
>>> I hate JavaScript. With the images I tested it worked fine for both.
>>> Can you try to find a solution which works for both?
>>> e.g.
>> I see that my comment about the webkit downloader was unclear.
>> What I meant was that I've only tested the webkit downloader, and it
>> downloads images fine, but somewhere they get wrongly scaled.
> Well, I did not change the ewmsplugin, so probably that does not work yet.
> Now I added an updated version together with improved Plugin-description. 
> Please try it.

I did a brief test and it seems to work nicely.
Great work!

>> Some further questions:
>> - where is the emwsplugin source located?
> In svn.openstreetmap.de (wmsplugin).
>> - where are the tiles cached?
> If on disk then in .josm/plugin/wmsplugin I think. But ATM only in 
> memory I think.
> Ciao
Joakim Verona

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