On Mon, 20 Oct 2008, Rui Correia wrote:

>> WebKit is one of the HTML engines of the world. Better to talk about
>> Qt-WebKit engine based download tool
> Bear with me for a moment and please don't forget that I am a newbie.
> Let's say that I don't understand your above statement.

Every Webbrowser like InternetExplorer, Firefox, Googles Chrome, konqueror 
and whatever have a so-called rendering engine. This is the code part, 
which cares for the displaying of webpages.

WebKit is the engine developed originally by KDE and the sort-of taken 
over by Apple for their Safari browser. It becomes more and more 
popular due to its flexible use. The Qt toolkit makes accessing this 
WebKit an easy task. The Tool webkit-image is a minimum web-browser 
which does not show the web-page, but saves it into a PNG image.

Run e.g. "webkit-image http://whateveryourfavoritewebsite.is >file.png" 
and file.png will contain your website as image.

Please test this. If it does NOT work, it will NOT work for ewmsplugin.

> What exactly do I need to have installed?
> I already have your compiled webkit installed.
> Do I need anything else?

The webkit-image tool need Qt (or specially the Qt DLL's I included). So 
it should work. Test as said above. Try loading a webpage into an image.

If you do not use redirector (the >file.png), then the image is printed 
into the commandline. This will be crappy, but impressive. If nothing is 
printed, something is wrong.

>> b) Start josm from shell and tell us, what is written there.
> Will do so.
> Is it ok to test it behind a proxy server such as ISA2004?

I do not know. We need to find out. Maybe we need to add some proxy support.

>> c) I don't use windows and josm together.
> I see.
> Do you know someone else besides me who uses windows and josm together with
> webkit or Qt?

I think recently there was someone on this list who used Windows and the 
new ewmsplugin with the webkit-image downloader. Check the archives.

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