Hi all,

Excuse me if it's a silly question (I'm a newbie here), but what about using
a search engine component instead of SQL queries ?
I think about Apache Lucene (Java search engine) for example (
http://lucene.apache.org/) which seems to me a better solution about
indexing and searching than SQL requests ?


On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 2:05 PM, Tom Hughes <t...@compton.nu> wrote:

> David Earl wrote:
> > While what Tom says may help performance, I don't think it is why things
> > are running disparately slowly at the moment.
> Oh yes it is...
> > It is mainly extremely slow at present because it has got into a state
> > where daily updates are interfering with each other and I haven't had a
> > chance to look at why this is happening. It is getting worse, because
> > each day slows down more so the next day starts up and interferes with
> > that. I know it needs attention. While the updates are running, searches
> > are much slower because they don't get much opportunity to run. I
> > suspect his vicious circle started because there was one day when there
> > was an exceptionally large update and this ran fro > 24 hours, running
> > into the next.
> How many times do I have to explain the problem... The problem is lock
> contention because you're using MyISAM tables.
> Here is what happens:
>   - You start update and it runs quite happily initially
>   - User issues query which, for whatever reason, takes a long
>     times (many minutes or even hours) to run, which leads to a
>     read lock on the main tables
>   - Update blocks waiting for a write lock
>   - All other queries now block behind the writer as they can't
>     get a read lock until it is done
>   - Several hours later the update is still blocked, all the Apache
>     processes are wedged with pending queries and the whole thing
>     is buggered
>   - Eventually the slow query finishes and the update happens, then
>     hundreds of pending queries all kick off and content with each
>     other so run really slowly
>   - The next update is now blocked behind all those readers
>   - The above repeats ad infinitum and nobody gets anything much done
> If it's really bad then, as you've noticed, one day's update won't
> finish before the next one is due to start.
> It is really very simple - MyISAM tables are not suitable for any case
> where you will have contention between readers and writers, especially
> if some of the read queries may be long running.
> Tom
> --
> Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)
> http://www.compton.nu/
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