
for some reason it suddenly works, no idea what I changed.

I found a lot of this in the Logs. I guess I can ignore it? Eg it says
no column barrier found and it is true, there is none. Why is it in
the statement?

thanks and bye

the Logs:

STATEMENT:  select asbinary(way) as
geom,"barrier","man_made","natural" from (select
as length from planet2_line where waterway IS NULL and leisure IS NULL
and landuse IS NULL) as roads where way &&
setSRID('BOX3D(1492891.599437777 6889040.048258077,1493197.347550918
ERROR:  column "construction" does not exist at character 59
STATEMENT:  select asbinary(way) as
from (select * from planet2_line order by z_order) as roads where way
&& setSRID('BOX3D(1492891.599437777
6889040.048258077,1493197.347550918 6889345.796371222)'::box3d,900913)
ERROR:  column "construction" does not exist at character 71
STATEMENT:  select asbinary(way) as
from (select * from planet2_line order by z_order) as roads where way
&& setSRID('BOX3D(1492891.599437777
6889040.048258077,1493197.347550918 6889345.796371222)'::box3d,900913)
ERROR:  column "barrier" does not exist at character 99
STATEMENT:  select asbinary(way) as geom,"aerialway","name","railway"
from (select * from planet2_point where barrier IS NOT NULL or amenity
IS NOT NULL or tourism is NOT NULL or railway is NOT NULL or "natural"
is NOT NULL or highway is NOT NULL or aeroway is NOT NULL or aerialway
is NOT NULL or power_source is NOT NULL) as amenity where way &&
setSRID('BOX3D(1492891.599437777 6889040.048258077,1493197.347550918
ERROR:  column "barrier" does not exist at character 163
STATEMENT:  select asbinary(way) as
from (select * from planet2_point where barrier IS NOT NULL or amenity
IS NOT NULL or tourism is NOT NULL or railway is NOT NULL or "natural"
is NOT NULL or highway is NOT NULL or aeroway is NOT NULL or aerialway
is NOT NULL or power_source is NOT NULL) as amenity where way &&
setSRID('BOX3D(1492891.599437777 6889040.048258077,1493197.347550918
ERROR:  column "barrier" does not exist at character 194
STATEMENT:  select asbinary(way) as
from (select * from planet2_point where barrier IS NOT NULL or amenity
IS NOT NULL or tourism is NOT NULL or railway is NOT NULL or "natural"
is NOT NULL or highway is NOT NULL or aeroway is NOT NULL or aerialway
is NOT NULL or power_source is NOT NULL) as amenity where way &&
setSRID('BOX3D(1492891.599437777 6889040.048258077,1493197.347550918
ERROR:  column "addr:interpolation" does not exist at character 30
STATEMENT:  select asbinary(way) as geom,"addr:interpolation" from
(select * from planet2_line order by z_order) as interpolation where
way && setSRID('BOX3D(1492891.599437777
6889040.048258077,1493197.347550918 6889345.796371222)'::box3d,900913)
ERROR:  column "addr:housenumber" does not exist at character 30
STATEMENT:  select asbinary(way) as geom,"addr:housenumber","building"
from (select * from planet2_polygon order by z_order,way_area desc) as
node_numbers where way && setSRID('BOX3D(1492891.599437777
6889040.048258077,1493197.347550918 6889345.796371222)'::box3d,900913)
ERROR:  column "addr:housenumber" does not exist at character 30
STATEMENT:  select asbinary(way) as geom,"addr:housenumber" from
planet2_point where way && setSRID('BOX3D(1492891.599437777
6889040.048258077,1493197.347550918 6889345.796371222)'::box3d,900913)
ERROR:  column "barrier" does not exist at character 68
STATEMENT:  select asbinary(way) as geom,"man_made","natural" from
as length from planet2_line where waterway IS NULL and leisure IS NULL
and landuse IS NULL) as roads where way &&
setSRID('BOX3D(1492891.599437775 6888887.174201505,1493197.347550921
ERROR:  column "barrier" does not exist at character 78
STATEMENT:  select asbinary(way) as
geom,"barrier","man_made","natural" from (select
as length from planet2_line where waterway IS NULL and leisure IS NULL
and landuse IS NULL) as roads where way &&
setSRID('BOX3D(1492891.599437775 6888887.174201505,1493197.347550921
ERROR:  column "construction" does not exist at character 59
STATEMENT:  select asbinary(way) as
from (select * from planet2_line order by z_order) as roads where way
&& setSRID('BOX3D(1492891.599437775
6888887.174201505,1493197.347550921 6889192.922314651)'::box3d,900913)

On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 7:02 PM, sly (sylvain letuffe)
<li...@letuffe.org> wrote:
>> My osm tables use Google Mercartor (SRID= 900913) What is mapnik
>> expecting? 3395 ?
> No it's good. If you've used osm2pgsql to populate the db, and if you use a
> copy of the osm.xml
> ( starting with :
> <Map bgcolor="#b5d0d0" srs="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0
> +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgri...@null +no_defs +over">
> )
> Then everything should be fine.
> Access restrictions at postgres level ?
> Turn on the logs of postgres and try some custom basic queries to see if the
> data is here.
> select * from planet_osm_roads limit 1;
> --
> sly
> Sylvain Letuffe li...@letuffe.org
> qui suis-je : http://slyserv.dyndns.org
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