On Thursday 19 March 2009 19:27, you wrote:
> hi,
> for some reason it suddenly works, no idea what I changed.
> I found a lot of this in the Logs. I guess I can ignore it? Eg it says
> no column barrier found and it is true, there is none. Why is it in
> the statement?

I suppose you'r mapnik style is referencing those column but you haven't 
imported them in the db with the default.style file of osm2pgsql.

If you don't want them, ignore them ;-) (or correct your mapnik style)

> thanks and bye
> Ivo
> the Logs:
> STATEMENT:  select asbinary(way) as
> geom,"barrier","man_made","natural" from (select
> as length from planet2_line where waterway IS NULL and leisure IS NULL
> and landuse IS NULL) as roads where way &&
> setSRID('BOX3D(1492891.599437777 6889040.048258077,1493197.347550918
> 6889345.796371222)'::box3d,900913)
> ERROR:  column "construction" does not exist at character 59
> STATEMENT:  select asbinary(way) as
> from (select * from planet2_line order by z_order) as roads where way
> && setSRID('BOX3D(1492891.599437777
> 6889040.048258077,1493197.347550918 6889345.796371222)'::box3d,900913)
> ERROR:  column "construction" does not exist at character 71
> STATEMENT:  select asbinary(way) as
> from (select * from planet2_line order by z_order) as roads where way
> && setSRID('BOX3D(1492891.599437777
> 6889040.048258077,1493197.347550918 6889345.796371222)'::box3d,900913)
> ERROR:  column "barrier" does not exist at character 99
> STATEMENT:  select asbinary(way) as geom,"aerialway","name","railway"
> from (select * from planet2_point where barrier IS NOT NULL or amenity
> IS NOT NULL or tourism is NOT NULL or railway is NOT NULL or "natural"
> is NOT NULL or highway is NOT NULL or aeroway is NOT NULL or aerialway
> is NOT NULL or power_source is NOT NULL) as amenity where way &&
> setSRID('BOX3D(1492891.599437777 6889040.048258077,1493197.347550918
> 6889345.796371222)'::box3d,900913)
> ERROR:  column "barrier" does not exist at character 163
> STATEMENT:  select asbinary(way) as
> from (select * from planet2_point where barrier IS NOT NULL or amenity
> IS NOT NULL or tourism is NOT NULL or railway is NOT NULL or "natural"
> is NOT NULL or highway is NOT NULL or aeroway is NOT NULL or aerialway
> is NOT NULL or power_source is NOT NULL) as amenity where way &&
> setSRID('BOX3D(1492891.599437777 6889040.048258077,1493197.347550918
> 6889345.796371222)'::box3d,900913)
> ERROR:  column "barrier" does not exist at character 194
> STATEMENT:  select asbinary(way) as
> from (select * from planet2_point where barrier IS NOT NULL or amenity
> IS NOT NULL or tourism is NOT NULL or railway is NOT NULL or "natural"
> is NOT NULL or highway is NOT NULL or aeroway is NOT NULL or aerialway
> is NOT NULL or power_source is NOT NULL) as amenity where way &&
> setSRID('BOX3D(1492891.599437777 6889040.048258077,1493197.347550918
> 6889345.796371222)'::box3d,900913)
> ERROR:  column "addr:interpolation" does not exist at character 30
> STATEMENT:  select asbinary(way) as geom,"addr:interpolation" from
> (select * from planet2_line order by z_order) as interpolation where
> way && setSRID('BOX3D(1492891.599437777
> 6889040.048258077,1493197.347550918 6889345.796371222)'::box3d,900913)
> ERROR:  column "addr:housenumber" does not exist at character 30
> STATEMENT:  select asbinary(way) as geom,"addr:housenumber","building"
> from (select * from planet2_polygon order by z_order,way_area desc) as
> node_numbers where way && setSRID('BOX3D(1492891.599437777
> 6889040.048258077,1493197.347550918 6889345.796371222)'::box3d,900913)
> ERROR:  column "addr:housenumber" does not exist at character 30
> STATEMENT:  select asbinary(way) as geom,"addr:housenumber" from
> planet2_point where way && setSRID('BOX3D(1492891.599437777
> 6889040.048258077,1493197.347550918 6889345.796371222)'::box3d,900913)
> ERROR:  column "barrier" does not exist at character 68
> STATEMENT:  select asbinary(way) as geom,"man_made","natural" from
> (select 
> as length from planet2_line where waterway IS NULL and leisure IS NULL
> and landuse IS NULL) as roads where way &&
> setSRID('BOX3D(1492891.599437775 6888887.174201505,1493197.347550921
> 6889192.922314651)'::box3d,900913)
> ERROR:  column "barrier" does not exist at character 78
> STATEMENT:  select asbinary(way) as
> geom,"barrier","man_made","natural" from (select
> as length from planet2_line where waterway IS NULL and leisure IS NULL
> and landuse IS NULL) as roads where way &&
> setSRID('BOX3D(1492891.599437775 6888887.174201505,1493197.347550921
> 6889192.922314651)'::box3d,900913)
> ERROR:  column "construction" does not exist at character 59
> STATEMENT:  select asbinary(way) as
> from (select * from planet2_line order by z_order) as roads where way
> && setSRID('BOX3D(1492891.599437775
> 6888887.174201505,1493197.347550921 6889192.922314651)'::box3d,900913)
> On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 7:02 PM, sly (sylvain letuffe)
> <li...@letuffe.org> wrote:
> >> My osm tables use Google Mercartor (SRID= 900913) What is mapnik
> >> expecting? 3395 ?
> >
> > No it's good. If you've used osm2pgsql to populate the db, and if you use 
> > copy of the osm.xml
> > ( starting with :
> > <Map bgcolor="#b5d0d0" srs="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0
> > +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgri...@null +no_defs 
> > )
> >
> > Then everything should be fine.
> >
> > Access restrictions at postgres level ?
> > Turn on the logs of postgres and try some custom basic queries to see if 
> > data is here.
> >
> > select * from planet_osm_roads limit 1;
> >
> >
> > --
> > sly
> > Sylvain Letuffe li...@letuffe.org
> > qui suis-je : http://slyserv.dyndns.org
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > dev mailing list
> > dev@openstreetmap.org
> > http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/dev
> >
> -- 
> Ivo Brodien

Sylvain Letuffe li...@letuffe.org
qui suis-je : http://slyserv.dyndns.org

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