On Thu, 19 Mar 2009, Ceriel Jacobs wrote:

> > I suggested to Grant to actually do a benchmark instead of just
> > picking
> > the next product from the stack.
> When benckmarking different database systems, don't forget to include
> Virtuoso.
> Here a TPC-D benchmark comparison (lower is better):
> 1. Virtuoso 5.0: 626 ms
> 1. Oracle 10g R2: comparible
> 2. PostgreSQL 8.1.6: 2063 ms
> 3. Mysql 5.0.27 with InnoDB: 3545 ms
> 4. Mysql 5.0.27: 6068 ms
> More test details on:
> http://www.openlinksw.com/dataspace/oerling/weblog/Orri%20Erling%27s%20Blog/1131
> Virtuoso has a GPL edition available at sourceforge.net
> Mailinglists have short response times, also from the developers.

You want a scalefactor 100 test; TCP-H. If you understand the size of OSM
you will know why this is important.


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