Since we are exploring different mapnik based rendering, I'm presenting mine 
too ;-)

> It's really just a simple PHP script that invokes the Python script:

That's almost what I did in the first place ( in even more hugly !) as I am a 
php dev and not a python dev. But just like you figured it out, there are no 
php mapnik bindings...

> Anyway. This method keeps the server busy with invoking Interpreters
> and parsing scripts instead of really do something useful

Well, not only and not mainly, (mod_php will stay loaded, and the python 
interpreter will be cached to ram )

The main problem I found was that the xml mapnik style file (~300ko) is 
reloaded and parsed at every tile generation. That was roughly 70% of time 
(I'm not talking about disk cache, whatever your solution is, it will be 
hundred times faster than tile generation)

> Instead I'm thinking about writing some multithreaded FreePascal or
> C++ FastCGI server that does it much more efficiently (by using
> libmapnick internally) but I still need to have a look at mod_tile as
> it might already provide a highly performant solution.

mod_tile really seams the fastest solution fro high traffic server. But maybe 
(I said maybe I didn't tried it, only supposed it from docs) lacking a few 
functionnalities or flexibility
( server side tiles merging, common cached tiles across different mapnik 
styles at special zooms, ...) things that you probably don't want to recode 
in C while simpler in "high level" language for noobs like me ;-)

stop the blabla, implementation is here :

sylvain letuffe

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