On Fri, 2009-03-20 at 01:40 +0100, sylvain letuffe wrote:
> mod_tile really seams the fastest solution fro high traffic server.
> But maybe 
> (I said maybe I didn't tried it, only supposed it from docs) lacking a
> few 
> functionnalities or flexibility
> ( server side tiles merging, common cached tiles across different
> mapnik 
> styles at special zooms, ...) things that you probably don't want to
> recode 
> in C while simpler in "high level" language for noobs like me ;-)

If you want to mess around with a slightly higher level implementation,
I recently re-implemented the mod_tile render daemon into python [1]. It
is functionally equivalent to the C render daemon. It still requires the
C mod_tile module, but I am considering writing a python version of that

The purpose of these is to allow easier experimentation. If some good
new ideas develop then I may adopt them into the C code. Another
possibility is mixing the two implementations together by linking an
embedded python interpretor into the C code.


1: http://trac.openstreetmap.org/browser/applications/utils/mod_tile/renderd.py

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