I am after a simple way of recording street names when cycling rather than
having to write them down.  There is a section on the Wiki on "Audio
Mapping", but there is no mention of using a normal mobile phone and
bluetooth GPS receiver - the idea is to record audio clips and associated
location to import into JOSM later.  The advantage of a phone over the other
methods is that it should be able to record both audio, and GPS location at
the same time, to avoid the synchronisation problems.  It is also nice and
small, and you don't look odd talking into one.   It might even be possible
to use a bluetooth headset which would be even easier for cycling...

I have had a bit of a play and I think I can make it work (the GPS receiver
can talk to the phone, and the phone can record sounds), but I haven't
stitched it together in to a single application yet.
I can't help but think that someone will have tried this before (and
presumably failed because I can't find it anywhere?) - does anyone know if I
am onto a loser before I go too far down the road of coding it?  There is a
bit more information at

Any pointers to where this is going to go wrong would be appreciated!


Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
email: grahamjones139+...@gmail.com <grahamjones139%2b...@gmail.com>

Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
email: grahamjones...@gmail.com
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