On 10/04/2009 22:52, Graham Jones (Physics) wrote:
> I think I am making progress using GPSMid for audio mapping, but still 
> having a few problems if anyone can help....

This is probably more appriate to the josm-dev mailing list.

The dialog comes up as a result of a fairly broad catch-all exception, 
but since the audio plays, I suspect it is something in the play head 
arrow that isn't initialized when it tries to start it moving. The play 
head marker was implemented after the audio hrefs so the combination 
probably never got tested together - I guess you're the first person to 
have tried it like this.

Do you have a stack trace? I think you should see one if you run josm 
from the command prompt.

If you could send me an example GPX and the first couple of WAV files I 
can track it down for you. It's almost certainly a JOSM bug.

> I have got GPSMid to record individual audio clips on demand, and 
> produce a GPX waypoint when you record the clip.
> I can then export the GPX file and the audio files (amr format) to my PC.
> A little python script puts the required <link href=....> tags in the 
> GPX file, and converts them to wav format using ffmpeg.
> When I import my GPX file into josm, it displays audio icons at the 
> correct location, but when I click on them I get an error message saying 
> "Error Playing Sound:  <filename>". Where <filename> is the name of the 
> file I clicked on (without full path).  However, when you hit ok to 
> accept the error dialog the file plays correctly...
> To make this work I had to include the full path to the .wav files in 
> the <link> tags, otherwise it wouldn't play at all.
> A typical waypoint looks like:
> <wpt lat='54.698402' lon='-1.2252716'>
> <name>AudioMarker-GpsMid-2009-04-10_12-13-42</name>
> <com><time>2009-04-10T12:13:44Z</time></com>
> <link 
> href="file:///home/disk2/OSM/OSM/Hartlepool_10apr2009/gpsmid-2009-04-10_12-13-42.wav">audio</link>
> </wpt>
> Can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong to generate this error please?  
> Also, I would prefer to be able to use relative paths rather than 
> absolute ones, so any pointers to what to change in josm would be 
> appreciated.  I am using the latest version of josm, from svn this evening.

Relative to what? The location of the GPX file? If so I guess the 
easiest way would be to modify the GPX reader so that relative paths are 
adjusted by the location of the file it is reading. I should be able to 
do that for you.


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