Grant Slater wrote:
2009/7/29 Brett Henderson <>:
Hi Grant,

What did you do exactly?  I'm not sure what impact I had on this outage.

So thanks for generating the missing files, it's much appreciated.  Did you
just re-run osmosis, or did you have to do something else?

osmosis seems to have been dead-locking. I couldn't see any obvious
problems like hardware etc (after all it is currently running on
deathly old dev server)... I was unaware of the code changes.
My fault, I normally test things more thoroughly than this but I'd forgotten that I'd made such drastic query changes.

It's a shame the new queries aren't working well though, they're much easier to work with.
I updated the ancient version of sun-java6-jre with the newest version
from debian backports and restarted the process. (instead of waiting
for the late night cronjob)
Great, this sounds good.  Sorry for wasting so much of your time.
osmosis seems to have been pushing smaug hard.
(osmosis ended at: 17:12)
I noticed the same thing last night which prompted me to first panic and second roll back to a known working version :-)

Hopefully it will stabilise now.


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