2009/9/23 Steven te Brinke <s.tebri...@student.utwente.nl>:
> OpenLayers has nice support for vectors. It supports many formats, you can
> easily add WKT geometries for example. This is the best way to go if you
> want to add simple or dynamic overlays.
> The postcode finder you mentioned uses a tiled layer. Such a layer can be
> rendered using Mapnik. I have a nice example in [1]: Google Hybrid like, but
> with OSM data on top of their aerial images (unfortunately my site is Dutch,
> but it shows the idea).

I ended up making a simple mapnik style sheet with just town names and
post codes.

This has made spotting errors really easy, although I'm stumped as to
why some post codes aren't being rendered, like this area:


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